December 14, 2016 - 22:22

reflecting on where you were when we began this process, where you are now, and what’s been happening in between. How-and-what have you been learning? Where do you think that the edges of your learning now lie? In what ways has your understanding of identity, of environment, and of the reciprocal relationship between them been expanded, challenged, or complexified? In what ways have you been resisting such learning?
Dear Jody,
In the beginning of the semester I would say that I was not a "bad" writer. I had the basic knowledge of writing great essays but, I struggled with putting my ideas on paper. I struggled with saying what I meant and finding things to write about that I actually cared about. Although, the weekly essays were something that I struggled with, I always got something done. The meetings that we had together were very, very helpful because you cared about my growth in the class as well as me as a person. The feedback and encouragement you provided me was what kept me going in the class. Now, I think that I have improved though I probably have alot of work to do. During the semester I struggled with some of the reading, but eventually I was able to fully understand them and incorporate my ideas into my essays. In terms of identitiy I learned about what it means to be a person of color in a predominately white school with the history that it has with women of color. I've learned plently about the government and the relationship it has with big corporations and their relationship to us. They play a huge role in the destruction of the environment and why so many people do not realize that we take part in the killing of it and the nonhuman living things on the Earth. Throughout the semester I was definately open to anything we had been learning and to any ideas that were different from my own. I think this has helped me grow and become closer with those in my class. Thank you for being my teacher and making this classroom an unsafe contact zone, because I believe we were able to uncover some very important things in this class that we could use in our every day lives.