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I don't know

I don't know

changing18's picture

I agree that I was left with a lack of words/ positive solutions after reading As the World Burns. Yet I also don't fault the book for this because I don't think it is the books job to both reprimand humans behavior and give solutions.  I think as scholars we always look to critique a writers work in order to find a purpose in an author's message.  Here Jensen and McMillan have given presented their audience with a grave problem but give no realistic situations to fix it. The uniting between man and animal is a far stretch of what Americans can do to save, not only America, but the global issue of climate change and environmental impact. I agree with Jesse Zong that with the big corporations and government as were represented in the book, appear as a large force that are hard to take down. So a solution? Is there an immediate answer? Despite wishful thinking, Americans are more divided than ever on issues that stem from hatred against one another. Man against man. I don't see a quick answer to big changes people are willing to make from their comfortable lifestyles,  and as the book points out our small steps really are not making any change. "Your not suppose to kill the planet you live on, only the one's you conquer" (16).  Interesting because it does feel like the main goal of Americans in particular is to conquer every aspect of life. But if we set fire to our own house, who wins? Would it even matter.












There are someting I agree and disagree with the post written by changing18. "Americans are more divided than ever on issues that stem from hatred against one another. Man against man. I don't see a quick answer to big changes people are willing to make from their comfortable lifestyles" I don't see the sign of hatred there in the book, I see people against each other but they are all stem from their own benefits, so nobdy is the single one to blame while nobody is innoncent.