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Egg symbolism- All Over Creation

LiquidEcho's picture

"'Honey I know how you feel.'

She elbowed him aside. No, she thought. You don't. She broke the eggs one by one into a bowl, beat them, and lit a fire under the skillet. That was the problem. He didn't know how she felt at all." (Ozeki 207)


"'Listen,' he said, 'I'm really sorry…'

'Yeah well I'm sorry, too… I'm sorry you had to flake out on me. Are those ready to go?'

Geek nodded.

I looked down at the spindly shoots, grown from Momoko's seed. Cucurbita pepo. Warted gourds. I carred them out into the sun to harden." (Ozeki 234)


"'The fact was, some things had to die so that others could live, and the idea was to try to maximize your chances of staying on the living side for as long as you could. She wiped a leaf with her fingers, crushing a newly hatched clutch of feeding larva, then rubbed the orange smear on her jeans." (Ozeki 270-271)