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Dear Anne

KatarinaKF's picture

Dear Anne, 

Hello! I apologize for the late posting. This was a challenging but enriching first semester with you! I believe that challenges in life helps one become a better person! My mind has been broadened to a variety of opinions from your selected readings and weekly discussions. Writing essays every single week definitely helped me become a better writer. I am still trying to figure out how to make my paragraphs transition better but I think that skill will come over time. 

I think that our class worked well together. We respected one another and each other's opinions. I learned a lot of new information from my classmates and which helped me think about the world more. Before taking your class, I did feel as if I was in a bubble in a sense. I had limited knowledge of the world outside my small town in New Jersey. Coming to Bryn Mawr has definitely expanded my bubble but being in our small classroom environment expanded it even more. I feel as if my bubble is connected with the bubbles of others in our ESEM! Thinking about questions of identity and environment left me thinking even after class each day. In the beginning of the year, my head would hurt after I left your class because my way of thinking was changing!

I truly enjoyed our end of the semester project. It was a great experience and it helped me meet new people on campus! It was also very informational. I learned new concepts and information from my project and from watching other’s presentations on their projects. For most of the topics that my classmates chose to research on, I did think about them at some point in the semester but never thought of the research behind them.

This was a great semester and I hope to take another class with you in the future!


Kat :)