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Comparing Two Novels

dorothy kim's picture
  • Both novels use future apocalyptic framing as a starting point to
    • Promote discussion?
    • Foster change?
    • Start a ‘wake-up’ call for the inactive masses?
  • Collapse of Western Civilization
    • Frames the world in the future
      • Takes a much more realistic way to examine the future consequences of our actions
        • Occasional exaggerated points
        • Darker themes because of the similarities to the current scenario
        • Not too far into the future, but still far away – plausible scenario
    • The government needs to take action?
      • Countries like the United States are creating problems
      • Central governments like China fared much better
      • Does the solution come with heavier government restrictions?
        • Does consumerism and individual greed prevent people as a whole from making decisions to benefit the planet / greater good?
        • Are human beings incapable of preventing greed?
        • Corporations and businesses are exploiting the melting ice caps (22) and using it as opportunities to expand their profits
          • Does denial come from a profit-driven mindset?
            • Are there other reasons as to why politicians choose to ignore
    • Is it too late to make change?
      • IAICEP went through drastic measures but the lifestyle after that was not sustainable (28)
        • Currently we are already past the so called ‘tipping-point’. Does that make it impossible for us to revert back?
        • Unless we come up with a sustainable lifestyle that cuts down on major things that we use…
  • As the World Burns
    • Exaggerated and simplified worldview – already exists in a heavily polluted world with a landfills and dams.
      • Although many of these things are happening currently, they are even more pronounced through images
      • Corporations and the government are all groups that are not going to help the environment
        • The lack of major change coming from the government (and the refusal to change from major corporations) are all impeding on actions to help the environment
        • Even if everyone takes smaller steps, restructuring human life is key
    • Speaks explicitly about the consumer-mindset that many people have
    • Explicit examples of the types of people in the planet
      • Corporations: profit-driven, will do their best to make the most money even if the environment is sacrificed in return
      • Government: unwilling to make major change, easily swayed by the material gains or from being in positions of power – controlled by big corporations who fund them
      • Ordinary people: those who do their best to believe that they are doing what they can for the planet by taking small individual steps.
      • Hypocrites: those who believe that they are doing the best for the planet while ignoring the major issues that are going on around them
      • Publicity stunts / social media: although the message is spread around often, there are those who are constantly focused upon the social aspect and not actually about making change
    • Use of these types of characters points out that each of us has taken on one of these personas and may be continuing to do so now
      • Message that we all need to restructure our lives – while individual action is important, major change is needed as well
        • Does this also promote governmental change?
        • Who starts the movement? Is this also coming from grassroots?