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Cohen Course Notes

Slipping through the Lens of Bloodchild

LiquidEcho's picture

Slipping through the Lens of Bloodchild

              Butler’s Bloodchild created a story depicting the relationship between two vastly different species, the Terrans and Tlic. After years of conflict and tensions, these two species had finally reached a method of co-existence. The Tlic allowed Terrans to live protected in preserves as long as the Terrans allowed themselves to be hosts for the Tlic’s eggs. However, despite their co-existance, tension and mistrust continued to exist between the two species. These tensions stemmed from a clash of different values, which inevitably influence the thoughts and beliefs of the individuals of both species.


LiquidEcho's picture

A part of the essay that really stood out to me was the story of Nkechi and the villager that she was assigned to. The instance where Nkechi walked away was viewed as a lost opportunity for she was unable to create a connection that she had gone there to create. In contrast, it was also an instance of someone acknowledging their uncomfortableness with a subject and choosing to walk away. There always seems to be a gray area between trying to form new connections between different identities and protecting the integrity of one’s own identity. This story in particular really touches upon that difficult interaction. People always value their own identities and values over others’.

LeGuin's Response to my essay

LiquidEcho's picture

              In reading my essay, I believe that Ursula LeGuin could potentially view my story as the story of ‘those who walked away.’ The narrative that emerged from my experience at Tri-Co explored both connections and identity. The program gathered a group of people who all desired change. This common connection allowed us all to be on the same wavelength and to almost subconsciously agree on certain topics. In this sense, we were similar to those of LeGuin's characters that walked away from the corrupted society of the Omelas. These individuals decided that living in false happiness created out of the suffering of others and ignorance was intolerable and walked away instead of staying compliant.

What does my icon and user name say about me?

Mystical Mermaid's picture

Well, since you're wondering... yes I have traveled to many, many places in the world. I chose the quote "I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list" as my icon because one day I want to be able to say that I've been everywhere. So far, I've traveled to Canada, Puerto Rico (visited family), Mexico, South Korea, Egypt, and South Africa! 5/6 trips that I have been on have been with other students my age. I hopelessly fell in love with traveling after I made my first trip to Puerto Rico when I was 8 years old. Ever since then I have always wanted to fly on planes and travel anywhere I wanted if I ever got the chance. I really, really, want to travel all across Europe one day! Of course, studying abroad is most definately on my list!!


LiquidEcho's picture

Hi, so I used LiquidEcho as my username because I though it represented the fluidity of both my identity and my opinions. As humans, we are continuously molded by the people we meet, the things we read, and the environment we are surrounded by. It is an undisputable fact that I have been influenced by the various people/things in my life. Despite this, I am my own person. I am a human being born with an intellect that allows me to form my own opinions and create new ideas. So, while the ideas and opinions that I hold echo others', they are also a reflection of the fluid nature of the individual.