Notes from Conversation with Sheila Pinkel
By jschlosserSeptember 10, 2015 - 16:26

Here are notes from our discussion with Sheila and then the brief conversation afterwards.
Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!
Here are notes from our discussion with Sheila and then the brief conversation afterwards.
Prison Radio
Noelle Hanrahan, Executive Director
What Prison Radio is: We are an independent multi media production studio. We produce content and we seek to distribute these essays and productions throughout the world. We have been very successful over twenty years producing content for radio, television, and films. We are a 501c3 non profit organization a project of the Redwood Justice Fund. In case you are curious, what we are not is a radio station. We work with radio stations and place our content on this and other broadcast venues.
During English classtime on Thursday, we will be skyping with our Creative Consultant, Sheila Pinkel, who will tell us about her work, and begin to offer some guidance towards the artistic collaboration we will be working on this semester. Sheila will help us figure out how to begin collecting quotes, information and images which we can use to generate art work focused on issues of incarceration.