Updated Research Ideas
By smalinaOctober 4, 2015 - 14:45

After looking into the sources I included in my original research proposal, I have found a number of categories under which my information falls: the presence of transgender individuals in prison (this would include their disproportionate representation in prisons as well as numbers related to incarceration in single-sex prisons; are they in the prison that corresponds to their gender identity, and if not, what physical change would lead to their transfer), the availability of medical resources to transgender prisoners related to transition (i.e. hormones and gender affirmation surgery), and the history of court proceedings that make this treatment possible (including the cases of Michelle Kosilek and Michelle-Lael Norsworthy).
I began my research with the intent of finding the connection between "civil death" and the maintainence of white supremacy. I'm still interested in learning more about this topic, but I'd like to open up my research to consider the connection between the maintenance of white supremacy and the actual purpose of prisons. Civil death still falls under this category, but instead of focusing on what I believe is a manifestation of the underlying oppressive social structures, I'd like to shine a light on the oppressive structures at play.