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What Students Read Before They Protest

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 27, 2024 - 07:00
How Israel became the focus of so much of contemporary protest politics.
Categories: Climate

I’m a Young Conservative, and I Want My Party to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 27, 2024 - 07:00
Instead of continuing the environmental legacy they were once known for, Republicans have ceded the fight against climate change to Democrats.
Categories: Climate

New Orleans Likes to Drink. They Spotted a Huge Recycling Opportunity

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 27, 2024 - 05:04
College students started a venture that has diverted glass bottles from landfills and crushed them into sand for coastal restoration efforts.
Categories: Climate

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History Seeks New Ways to Engage Visitors

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 27, 2024 - 05:02
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is rolling out two new exhibition halls and making its scientists more accessible. And don’t forget the dinosaurs.
Categories: Climate

‘Woke’ isn’t dead – it’s entered the mainstream. No wonder the right is furious | Gaby Hinsliff

The Guardian Climate Change - April 27, 2024 - 03:00

When even the Met police and National Trust scones are apparently ‘peak wokerati’, it’s become the establishment norm

Is woke dead? Is it over? Has it “peaked”, run its course before we’ve even properly agreed on what this endlessly controversial but somehow never quite defined social justice movement actually was? Though American rightwingers have been hopefully pronouncing its last rites for a while now, until very recently rumours of its death seemed exaggerated in Britain.

Sure, some vegan restaurants have gone bust lately, but sadly so have plenty of other restaurants in the face of a cost of living crisis. And yes, oat milk sales are down. But is that because it has been toxified by political association, or because it has fallen out of favour with the wellness lobby, or just because it’s expensive? Even reports of a YouTube-fuelled anti-feminist backlash among some young men, or of young women lapping up the original (not very woke) Sex and the City series on Netflix didn’t feel like much of a tipping point. But then came the paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass’s landmark review on treating transgender children, which found that medical interventions have been underpinned by “remarkably weak evidence” and made clear treatment should be holistic, seeking a full understanding of everything going on in children’s lives.

Gaby Hinsliff is a Guardian columnist

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Categories: Climate

Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if Elected

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 16:03
He has called for increased oil production and said that electric vehicles will result in an ‘assassination’ of jobs.
Categories: Climate

UN-led panel aims to tackle abuses linked to mining for ‘critical minerals’

The Guardian Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 13:47

Panel of nearly 100 countries to draw up guidelines for industries that mine raw materials used in low-carbon technology

A UN-led panel of nearly 100 countries is to draw up new guidelines to prevent some of the environmental damage and human rights abuses associated with mining for “critical minerals”.

Mining for some of the key raw materials used in low-carbon technology, such as solar panels and electric vehicles, has been associated with human rights abuses, child labour and violence, as well as grave environmental damage.

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Categories: Climate

How Abrupt U-Turns Are Defining U.S. Environmental Regulations

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 08:16
The polarization of politics means that rules are imposed, gutted and restored with each election. Experts say that’s bad for the economy.
Categories: Climate

Barclays accused of greenwashing over financing for Italian oil company

The Guardian Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 07:00

Exclusive: Environmental groups say bank is misleading public over ‘sustainable’ financing for Eni as company vastly expands fossil fuel production

Barclays is being accused by environmental groups of greenwashing after helping to arrange €4bn (£3.4bn) in financing for the Italian oil company Eni in a way that allows them to qualify towards its $1tn sustainable financing goal.

Environmental groups have said the London-based bank is deliberately misleading the public by labelling the financial instruments as “sustainable” at the same time that Eni is in the midst of a multibillion-pound fossil fuel expansion drive designed to increase production.

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Categories: Climate

Trump will dismantle key US weather and science agency, climate experts fear

The Guardian Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 06:00

Plan to break up Noaa claims its research is ‘climate alarmism’ and calls for commercializing forecasts, weakening forecasts

Climate experts fear Donald Trump will follow a blueprint created by his allies to gut the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa), disbanding its work on climate science and tailoring its operations to business interests.

Joe Biden’s presidency has increased the profile of the science-based federal agency but its future has been put in doubt if Trump wins a second term and at a time when climate impacts continue to worsen.

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Categories: Climate

6 New Paperbacks to Read This Week

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 05:04
Recommended reading from the Book Review, including titles by Dennis Lehane, Claire Dederer, Chad L. Williams and more.
Categories: Climate

New EU nature law will fail without farmers, scientists warn

The Guardian Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 03:00

Open letter calls for green policies that empower farmers, after months of protests jeopardise future of flagship biodiversity deal

The EU’s nature restoration law will only work if it is enacted in partnership with farmers, a group of leading scientists has said, after months of protests have pushed the proposals to the brink of collapse.

In an open letter, leading biodiversity researchers from across the world said that efforts to restore nature are vital for guaranteeing food supplies – but farmers must be empowered to help make agriculture more environmentally friendly if the measures are to succeed.

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Categories: Climate

‘Climate denial’ ad pulled from The Australian after regulator deems it ‘deceptive’ | Weekly Beast

The Guardian Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 02:14

Advertisement from IPA-linked Climate Study Group claimed fossil fuel use would not damage the environment. Plus: Janet Albrechtsen holds forth on the importance of not taking sides

For almost a decade, the Australian has been running “climate science denial” ads from the Climate Study Group (CSG) that claim burning fossil fuels is hunky dory and even necessary for life on Earth.

But the latest ad has been “discontinued” after Ad Standards found it contained misleading or deceptive environmental information.

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Categories: Climate

Weatherwatch comedy climate change 260424

The Guardian Climate Change - April 26, 2024 - 01:00

Video series launched in which comics translate climate science into down-to-earth language

Scientists can struggle to get their message across about the climate crisis to the wider public, so now comedians have been brought in to help cut through the science jargon and get widespread attention. In a series of videos, titled Climate Science Translated, scientists are paired up with various comedians who express climate science in down-to-earth language that pulls no punches.

In one of the videos, Prof Mark Maslin, of University College London, explains: “The climate crisis is progressing faster much faster than anticipated.” This is translated by the comedian Jo Brand as: “We’re still going to hell, but we’re getting there faster.”

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Categories: Climate

The fight over the future of plastics

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 25, 2024 - 15:25
As countries negotiate a landmark agreement to reduce plastic pollution, the industry is fighting a battle over regulations and over its image.
Categories: Climate

Energy Dept. Aims to Speed Up Permits for Power Lines

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 25, 2024 - 14:09
The Biden administration has expressed growing alarm that efforts to fight climate change could falter unless the electric grids are quickly expanded.
Categories: Climate

Biden’s New Power Plant Rules: 5 Things to Know

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 25, 2024 - 14:00
The administration issued a major climate regulation aimed at virtually eliminating carbon emissions from coal, the dirtiest of the fossil fuels and a driver of global warming.
Categories: Climate

E.P.A. Severely Limits Pollution From Coal-Burning Power Plants

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 25, 2024 - 13:52
New regulations could spell the end for plants that burn coal, the fossil fuel that powered the country for more than a century.
Categories: Climate

Honda Commits to E.V.s With Big Investment in Canada

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 25, 2024 - 13:51
The Japanese automaker, which has been slow to sell electric vehicles, said it would invest $11 billion to make batteries and cars in Ontario.
Categories: Climate

What to Know About the Breakup of Scotland’s Coalition Government

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - April 25, 2024 - 12:07
The power-sharing agreement between the Scottish National Party and the Scottish Green Party ended abruptly on Thursday, marking a fresh period of turmoil for the S.N.P.
Categories: Climate