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Returning from break...
I. Welcome back...relevant stories?
II. Reporting on my own visit to the
Susan B. Anthony Memorial Unrest Home:
a dance of welcome and exclusion....
II. An appropriate "framing" for today's discussion,
from your reports on "what needs working on" here:
from your reports on "what needs working on" here:
getting everyone involved in our conversations:
--posting on the forum more punctually/everyone participation
--posting on the forum more punctually/everyone participation
--What I thought needed some work was more participation
--How about everybody gets a turn to speak? 1) speaks, 2) then speaks so on...
----my only qualm is where class discussions go...
a lot of the students defer from a central point and go on their own rants....
a lot of the students defer from a central point and go on their own rants....
--I sometimes feel as though we are expected to say something
extremely wise & profound, and that sometimes feels like a lot of pressure
extremely wise & profound, and that sometimes feels like a lot of pressure
--I feel like if I don't say something very intelligent, I'm polluting the forum.
--I would like to hear more from those "quieter" students as I do believe
they have a lot of wonderful knowledge to pass on.
they have a lot of wonderful knowledge to pass on.
--I sometimes don't get a chance to say something because
I'm not quick enough before the topic moves on.
--Discussion involving responding to others is difficult for me;
I feel I'm just jumping in, mentioning things relevent to me
but not engaging with my clasmates.
I'm not quick enough before the topic moves on.
--Discussion involving responding to others is difficult for me;
I feel I'm just jumping in, mentioning things relevent to me
but not engaging with my clasmates.
working on our essays together:
--Editing papers in class for me is difficult
--Sometimes I think that we should spend less time on
reading each other's work and more on discussion
reading each other's work and more on discussion
--I think we should find a way to spend less time readng our peers' papers and
more time analyzing them....I think we could go farther.
more time analyzing them....I think we could go farther.
working on revising?
--what isn't working for me is some of the revising ideas. I'm not sure exactly...
working with the other section?
--I am curious about this other section of our storytelling class...
I'd almost like to sit in on the other section for a day or
us all have class together one day...
I'd almost like to sit in on the other section for a day or
us all have class together one day...
III. On Thursday, moving on to unit 3 of the course,
(after personal stories, and science's stories.....)
(after personal stories, and science's stories.....)
recognizing and using/apprehending and absorbing the (brain of the) storyteller....

"The Brain--is wider than the Sky--
For--put them side by side--
The one the other will contain
With ease--and You--beside--
The Brain is deeper than the sea--
For--hold them--Blue to Blue--
The one the other will absorb--
As Sponges--Buckets--do
The Brain is just the weight of God--
For--Heft them--Pound for Pound--
And they will differ--if they do--
As Syllable from Sound"
Emily Dickinson. 1896; rpt. The Complete Poems.
Ed. Thomas Johnson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1960.
Ed. Thomas Johnson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1960.
For Thursday, read two selections from the course pack:
20 pp. from Michael Polanyi's 1967 The Tacit Dimension.
40 pp. from George Lakoff and Mark Johnson's "Philosophy in the Flesh:
The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought.
As usual, post your responses on-line...
IV. For today, reading together a couple of papers on why we might/not re-tell stories....
V. First: a reminder of context: our conversation, before break,
on "Darwin's dangerous idea," and
on "Darwin's dangerous idea," and
why we might (need to?) tell the story of souls....