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July 4th

Wed, 07/04/2012 (All day)
Anne Dalke's picture

In Class/OutClassed: Instructions for Weekly On-Line Postings

To register for a Serendip account,
* go to the course webpage
* click on the Login link (top, right of page), then
* click on Create New Account;
* you MUST use your bi-college e-mail address
* but your user-name doesn't have to be  your name

Anne Dalke's picture

In Class/OutClassed: Instructions for Preparing Your Final Web Portfolio

In this web portfolio, due by 12:30 on Friday, December 16,  we are asking you to reflect on the written and spoken work you have done for this course. This process invites you to chronicle what has happened in your evolution both as a writer and a speaker in class, and to contribute to and assist us with the evaluation of your work. So--

admin's picture

Test post

Please ignore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce est ipsum, feugiat sed fringilla vel, dapibus interdum ligula. Maecenas sed sem arcu. Nulla pellentesque ante pulvinar erat tincidunt sed faucibus tellus sodales. Maecenas augue metus, lacinia et fringilla id, rhoncus non purus. Sed fermentum tellus non velit suscipit posuere. Donec id nibh non metus eleifend posuere nec id quam. Etiam adipiscing bibendum nunc. Ut id orci nec diam tempus tempor vel et felis. Praesent tincidunt nibh quis urna molestie rhoncus. Vestibulum sed massa eu nulla consectetur pharetra vel id velit. Mauris vel arcu ac magna pulvinar faucibus. Ut congue, sapien eu commodo aliquet, eros lectus gravida ipsum, id aliquam ante nulla ac neque. Cras hendrerit nisi ac enim convallis non ultrices enim rhoncus. Duis in velit velit. Nullam diam metus, vehicula at hendrerit quis, accumsan vitae nunc. Integer condimentum nunc nec arcu pretium eget porta lectus viverra. Quisque convallis, ipsum a volutpat tincidunt, sapien nibh placerat est, nec molestie lorem ante semper eros. Aenean in orci quis eros volutpat facilisis eu id urna. Nunc volutpat gravida lorem, sit amet tempus odio porttitor et. Aenean fermentum, velit ut vehicula posuere, erat tellus tincidunt purus, placerat posuere dui sapien eget diam. Morbi justo lorem, iaculis et commodo non, semper eu mauris. Integer aliquet magna a nibh convallis elementum. Mauris tortor nunc, aliquam eu vestibulum et, molestie vel quam. Maecenas urna sapien, congue eget dignissim at, mattis eu augue. Maecenas hendrerit aliquam imperdiet.

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Testing Group Post

Hello world