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Notes Towards Week 11 (Nov 15): Parts with Kaye: Eyes Wide Open?

John Stewart's interview with Leymah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Laureate from Liberia.

Eve Ensler on Huffington Post--attached as a word document below.

Anne's post:  How can you occupy the interpellation in order to resignify it?

What are the Occupy locations attempting to resignify?  In what ways are they productive?  What are the alliances have been established?  How can they be sustained?  Should they be?

Katie:  ... i thought of precarity as the opposite of privilege. Privilege, a term beloved of feminist and social justice blogs, is basically when you occupy a favored position in society. I have middle class privilege. Precarity (precariousness? I don't know which term fits better here) is when you lack that privilege. But here is is conceived not just as an absense but as an experience in its own right, and a frightening one.

Essietee:  Ani deFranco's song, "Letter to a John"

I was eleven years old
he was as old as my dad
and he took something from me
I didn't even know that I had
so don't tell me about decency
don't tell me about pride
just give me something for my trouble
'cause this time, it's not a free ride

Penn State sexual abuse

Scott Gilbert's op-ed piece in Phila Inquirer about the rejection of the Personhood Amendment by Mississippi voters:  Nov 11, 2011 "Against science and Scripture" attached word document below.

"...we seldom, if ever, hear the names of the thousands of Palestinians who have died by the Israeli military with United States support, or any number of Afghan people, children and adults.  Do they have names and faces, personal histories, family, favorite hobbies, slogans by with they live? (...) If 200,000 Iraqi children were killed during the Gulf War and its aftermath, do we have an image, a frame for any of those lives, singly or collectively?  Is there a story we might find about those deaths in the media?  Are there names attached to those children?"  (p32, 34)

Eyes Wide Open:  exhibit from AFSC

films:  Melancholia, Copenhagen, Zombies (dis/possession; hauntological)

reponsibility to protect: RtoP

limitations of home:  (p38) "(Daniel Pearl's) story takes me home and tempts me to stay there.  But at what cost do I establish the familiar as the criterion by which a human life is grievable?"

recognition of others:  "Walk cheerfully over the earth, answering that of God in everyone."


Aristotle:  epieikes, the "better" kind of justice that results when a person "does not insist upoin his rights to the damage of his neighbors, but is content to take than his due, although he has the law on his side."  (p4 Humbach)

how does this related to yielding rather than wielding power?

yield (v.) Look up yield at
O.E. geldan (Anglian), gieldan (W.Saxon) "to pay" (class III strong verb; past tense geald, p.p. golden), from P.Gmc. *geldanan "pay" (cf. O.S. geldan "to be worth," O.N. gjaldo "to repay, return," M.Du. ghelden, Du. gelden "to cost, be worth, concern," O.H.G. geltan, Ger. gelten "to be worth," Goth. fra-gildan "to repay, requite"), perhaps from PIE *ghel-to- "I pay," found only in Balto-Slavic and Germanic, unless O.C.S. zledo, Lith. geliuoti are Germanic loan-words. Sense developed in English via use to translate L. reddere, Fr. rendre, and had expanded by c.1300 to "repay, return, render (service), produce, surrender." Related to M.L.G. and M.Du. gelt, Du. geld, Ger. Geld "money." Yielding in sense of "giving way to physical force" is recorded from 1660s.
yield (n.) Look up yield at
O.E. gield "payment, sum of money" (see yield (v.)); extended sense of "production" (as of crops) is first attested mid-15c. Earliest English sense survives in financial "yield from investments."
wield Look up wield at
O.E. weldan (Mercian), wieldan, wealdan (W.Saxon) "to govern, possess, have control over" (class VII strong verb; past tense weold, pp. gewealden), merged with weak verb wyldan, both from P.Gmc. *wal-t- (cf. O.S., Goth. waldan, O.Fris. walda "to govern, rule," O.N. valda "to rule, wield, to cause," O.H.G. waltan, Ger. walten "to rule, govern"), probably from PIE *waldh- (cf. O.C.S. vlado "to rule," vlasti "power;" Lith. veldu "to rule, possess"), from base *wal- "to be strong, to rule" (see valiant).
Over It Eve Ensler Huffington Post Nov 11, 2011.docx16.68 KB
Gilbert Against Science and Scripture.pdf47.51 KB


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