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Anne Dalke's picture

Continuing the Conversation: Women in Walled Communities Exhibition

Use this space to post thoughts, questions or reactions from the workshop.

Hummingbird's picture

Creative v. Socially Conscious: The (False) Separation

I wrote my third memo about the ways in which our art projects connected back to the socially conscious thinking we'd been doing before going into the prison.

Owl's picture

Under the Sea Habitats are Abundant and Diverse

Memo #3 Image

Borrowed from:

couldntthinkofanoriginalname's picture

Memo III--Rehabilitative Programs: How They Are at the Mercy of the Prison System

This paper explores how no true reform can come from within the prison system, or any insitution, unless we...


ishin's picture


My memo discusses the importance of the latent periods of growth, and how things can grow unexpectedly underneath your nose!

Chandrea's picture

Memo #3

My memo was exploring what the intended purpose of inside-outside classes is and what I thought I personally got out of our classes in the Cannery.


jo's picture

Memo #3

(Sorry it took me a while to figure out how to get this in here as I made it in Word). This is an idea of a chart that I have as a way of thinking about the layerd and overlapping areas of knowledge that exist within our Cannery experience. My memo talks about a lot of what we discussed in class today, and I modified this diagram per Sarah's suggestion, adding another circle for the knowledge that comes with being in prison. The way I've placed the circles suggests that the knowledge we have from outside the Cannery classroom and the knowledge the incarcerated women have do not touch, something that we talked about today and were unsettled about. It makes me think about the quote from Sweeny about the rickety bridge between self and other. As you can see the two are almost overlapping but not quite. Is this accurate to our experience and does it allign with the rickety bridge idea?

sdane's picture


In my paper, I explore the ways in which ideas of justice are so often guided by theology and religious teachings, including the concept of restorative justice.


Michaela's picture

Vision Memo 3: What does a prisoner look like?

Several people drew a faceless person as their image of a prisoner in our first drawing exercise. While we certainly aren’t faceless, there is no one image that fits every person, incarcerated or not. 

HSBurke's picture

Vision Memo 3

In my memo, I chose to anaylze the structure of our Vision class and how its complicated layers which served to humanize the incarcerated population paralleled my journey in answering the question: "why should we care?"

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