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kdmccor's blog

Preparation and Expectation
For my journal entry this week, I wrote about my first visit to my field placement. Expectation and preparation are words that frame how I am thinking of this first experiences. For this first visit, I traveled with students from the women’s mental health class. I had no idea what kind of program I’d be walking into, or what sort of participation would be expected of me. I knew only that I would be getting ‘oriented’ to a program geared at teaching functional spoken and written English to the mothers of children who attend preschool at the center. The four college student-volunteers were placed in different “offices” and rooms of the prefabricated building, we each worked with two or three mothers. The day’s lesson was intended to prepare the moms to order food in restaurants. The program’s leader had formulated a series of questions she thought would be at an appropriate conversational level for the mothers.