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Sick day post for 1/31

Ang's picture

This Tuesday I was unable to attend class because of the flu again, and because of this, I couldn't participate in the class discussion of the readings

I liked the Kirk Branch reading, despite how difficult it was to fully comprehend what he was saying, because it made me really think about different types of educational institutions and how their fundamental relationship with the students play a role in how the teachers and administration approach teaching the students. One thing I thought of while reading was the concept that "liberals are ruining college" or the similar, shared by many conservative people in the country. I imagine this comment is in regards to events like the recent protest at UC Berkeley, where students smashed multiple ATMs and wrote #NoDAPL on them. In a facebook video I watched recently on the protest, I read a high stream of comments made by, as far as I could tell, all white people, talking about how "these kids need to grow up," that "at least Republicans don't do anything stupid and ridiculous like this." I started thinking about how people believe that "liberals are ruining college," but that itself is a ridiculous concept, because colleges cannot be defined by a definite definition or experience. Every institute is different solely based on the fact that no institute has the same group of people in it, and therefore, no one could "ruin college" because "college" is dependent on every individual institute and the people that are in it at the time.