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Running the Class with Respect

anak's picture

In our class, I appreciated having an open discussion on how to best run the class in a way that made all individuals feel comfortable.  For this, we all need to have respect for each other.  This discussion as a class to determine the important ways we can show respect for our classmates was valuable and I believe we are all on the same page.  I appreciate how we have discussed the need for silence if necessary, based on individual feelings.  After reading Freire's Dialogical Method of Teaching, I have understood the importance of dialogue.  It is a way for us to connect and learn more together.  From this, we have also discussed the desire to remain silent if you don't have anything to contribute.  Silence does not mean you are left out of the conversation.  Understanding this difference and allowing your peers to choose when they want to speak and when they want to remain silent is a display of respect.  There are many opportunities to show respect for your peers.  Although we have discussed many of these in order to learn how to best run the class, there will be more opportunities to learn.  I think we have all decided the best way to go about these differences is to have an open discussion.  By speaking through our issues or concerns, we are able to learn how to best respect our peers.