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Reflections on Class Discussions

unsettle8's picture

The dynamic of our small group seems to be working so far. I find it rather enjoyable. Three days a week I am surrounded by intelligent like minded people, whose one goal for that day is to discuss something. Every day I learn something new, not just from the material for the course, but from the dialogue that we form as a team. I speak too much, but when surrounded by everyone I have so much to respond to. I really enjoy our awkward call or just talk system, because everyone is so respectful of each other, it's been working very well. It does, however, require a great deal of self awareness. Something that I know I need to work on, and as the semester continues I hope to practice more and more restraint, all while others practice speaking out more impulsively. I feel safe and comfortable, but also stimulated. I really enjoy the small side bars, where we discuss our thoughts with the person who is sitting next to us that day, but after a few classes I realized my one on one chats are limited in variety, and I hope to try alternating my placement in the classroom throughout the semester, so that I may experience conversations in as many ways as possible. Also, I like that it feels so casual. I do not know if the class would feel so balanced if Anne and Jody would take a more serious lecturing position. I really enjoyed the text analysis portion of class today, and I hope that as the semester continues our conversations continue to be so vibrant.