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Reflection #1 on YASP

Mystical Mermaid's picture

When we arrived to YASP we got to know two of the other people that work with the program including Sarah who is the co-founder. She is actually the one that does many of the visits/workshops and has created a bond with the people who where incarcerated and are now working for YASP. We discussed what we would like to do to help them and they were very welcoming towards us. They even suggested that we attend some of their meetings during the week if it fit our schedule. I found some interest in helping them promote the program after I learned that they had a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page that had not been updated frequently. Another thing that interested me was the poetry workshop that they have at the jails. Sarah let me read some of the poetry from the inmates and I was taken back at how greatly written they were, and how heartbreaking they were. YASP takes the best poems out of the bunch and turns them into a poetry book, which I thought was really cool. While we were there we also watched a documentary about their work and about the stories of some of these incarcerated men/women and their families. The documentary was incredibly sad because it got so personal so quickly.