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Reading the room: Notes Towards Day 4 (Tues Jan. 24)

Anne Dalke's picture

I. (2:25-2:35, Anne): coursekeeping
--anyone want to share thoughts/questions/experiences from weekend?

--how we doing on names/pronouns? what would be helpful here?

--pass around computer to add your cell phone #s
(so we can reach each other around praxis transportation, etc.);
will make this page private

--scheduling flexibility on Wednesdays?

--Nell will join us for the first part of tomorrow's class,
to help us prepare for praxis
--in preparation for our preparation, please read
Anna Plemons, "Teaching Philosophy"
"Accomplices, Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex"

--second 1/2 of class, we'll return to "reading literacy"; please also read the introduction to
Kirk Branch's book, Eyes on the Ought to Be: What We Teach About When We Teach About Literacy
[one of the books we wanted you to buy; this opening section is available on-line]

--pass out cards inviting you to opening of "Exhibiting Africa" (exhibit up til March 5)

II. (2:35- 2:55, Jody): picking up
on our unfinished conversation about Friere:
* interesting idea emerged about how children's reading of the world is (inherently) critical -->
go back to page of Friere's essay, make sure we've gotten hold of his argument:
reflect on their former interpretation-->
critical reading of their less critical reading of the world
critial reading of reality--< an instruetn of couterhegemony

III. 2:55-3:15, Anne): tomorrow, we'll "read our sites"
; today, we "read this room"
we asked you to look @ excerpts from 5 articles, then read 1 in full:
Arao & Clemens on "Brave Spaces,"
Bohm, On Dialogue
Ellsworth on "The Power of Address,"
Fraden on "Being Real," and
Shor and Freire on the 'Dialogical Method' of Teaching"

* who read what?
* break into groups based on your reading
(if not a good spread, then we'll break up based on the quotes)
* discuss the reading: first, help each other understand-->
then figure out what you want the rest of us to understand!
* what do we need to hear, that will help all of us think
together about how we're going to be in conversation?

3:15-3:30: come back together to share this

IV. (3:30-3:45, Jody):
what are the implications here for
how we can be as a group together?
what are the certainties, uncertainties, questions?
[write about this for a bit, then let's talk]
[need three notetakers--Serendip veterans?--
to post these this evening]