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Hey y'all!

Liv's picture

Hello peers, friends and optimistic learners, 

My name is Olivia (she/her) and as Anne and Jody mentioned, I will be your TLI for the upcoming semester. TLI consultants are products of the Teaching and Learning Institute that work with faculty to develop connections that transcend traditional student-faculty relations. In the past, I have advised new tenure faculty on pedagogical strategies that fit within the needs of their classroom and discipline as a whole. The Teaching and Learning Institue is one way BMC works with faculty to begin rethinking the ways we support our students and (I think) is a way to hold professor's accountable for the ideologies they promote in their classrooms. We live in a system that pushes us into fixed roles we are expected to perform upon demand; it is un natural and has high risks for those who are heavily policed for the box that they have been perscribed. My personal goal is to build a dialogue with my faculty partners that is built on a line of self reflecting on their position in the class as a professor that holds identities/ power that informs the classroom and the world around us.

I am not a TA. I will be skimming your readings to remain in touch with the class, but I am not grading your performances in the class at all. I will be reading your posts and suggesting readings, or pose questions when I feel obliged. I am reading throught the posts to assist with Anne and Jody on their discussion. I will not share anything you talk about with anyone in, or outside of the class. Your learning is top priority. I'm not here to gossip or judge. I am holding additional office hours for anyone who wants to talk to me about the class or their time in their praxis placements. Please fill out the Doodle with times that work for you and I can post the times after I get a sense of when everyone is free.

Otherwise, I look forward to working with all of you. Have a good night! 


PS: Here are some other quick facts about me.

History of Art major, Museum & Africana Studies minor 

Class of 2018

My favorite colors are rose gold and carbon Black.