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Changing of the English Language

anak's picture

In class today discussing police brutality, specifically in the case of Willie Jordan, the article did not feel very dated.  There are still the same issues happening today and so this is nothing totally shocking.  The part that did differ though was the language used in describing this occurrence.  Although there were differences in the language, I did not note this as having much significance.  Our language changes continually, depending on who we are talking to or who we are talking about.  The amount of time that has passed since something has been written will allow for the amount of differences in the text.  During class, someone mentioned the writing of Shakespeare and I think this is a perfect example.  If we look at Shakespeare and Hemingway, there will be a significant difference in our language now.  Shakespeare, written much earlier, will have even more differences than Hemingway, though.

When thinking about the Willie Jones text we read for class, I think it is easy to look past the differences of the writing style and see that the situation is similar to some news we see today.