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Building a Respectful Community

RainQueen's picture

I have refered to our classroom in the title of this post as a "community" rather than a classroom. As our class runs very much as an open forum and a place of discussion (and as we are working together outside of class as well as in class), it seemed right to use a word that puts us all on equal footing. It also lends itself to the idea that as a community, we must work together to create respect and maintain an environment which challenges us and also makes us better thinkers and learners. 

1) I propose that the classroom should opperate as a "brave space," allowing for a forum for students to speak their minds freely. Especially with the current political climate, I believe that it is important that we provide a space that can be controversial at times but that still allows for us to learn from eachother. That doesn't mean that only one viewpoint is valid; it means that we should listen to all the viewpoints- but a "brave space" is also one of discussion. 

2) It is  true that all students should speak in class, however, I have been thinking a lot about respecting the space of others. I was considering that perhaps the best course of action is to "read the room" and decide if hands or free flow works best on a daily basis. How people feel about discussions can change based on the day or the topic and this means that some conversations naturally flow differently. 

3) Students should try to work with multiple partners and sit in multiple places: our class is about literacy, and that includes literacy when it comes to other people. It is hard to respect people if you don't understand where they are coming from or where they have decided they wnat to go. THe best way to foster relationships (and by default respect) is to get to know others. 
