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Continuing class conversation

Neoliberal Pragmatism/ Cultural Identity

dmpark's picture

Neoliberal Pragmatism: (New word-makes sense in context of the book)

Perhaps this refers to contemporary discussions surrounding neoliberal forms of education. While many people are finding that nontraditional, alternative forms of education are more effective and innovative, maybe what neoliberal pragmatism means is that we can still be innovative and practical in the more traditional space. Maybe training and systematic learning might be considered outdated now. But, in the name of practicality, traditional forms of education, what might be considered dry right now, might actually contribute to our neoliberalist, innovation-oriented goals in the long run.

Cultural Identity: (Two familiar words used in a new way together)

Friere Terms

OC's picture

Conscientization: Understanding your place in the world/your reality/socially through reflection and action 


Evaluation: assessment of own reality