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Fall Breeze

aclark1's picture

The Fall breeze wrapped itself around me while whistling a song to me. As I walk along, I can hear the leaves breaking under my feet. The sound of the crisp leaves shattering into pieces makes me recall to a time when I didn't have any worries. The only thing I had to do was to fall into a pile of leaves. But, now I'm being consumed by trees as I sit in the middle of the woods. As I look up, I begin to play peek-a-boo with the sun. Indulged in the endless game of trying to find the light through the leaves on the trees. But, some trees were more bare than others. Standing long, lean and nude as it brace itself for the powerful wind. There it goes again.

Social Chameleons

Leigh Alexander's picture

At birth we are given a name as our identification.  It is passive: “the state of being identified,” (“Identification”). But slowly, as we begin to grow into the environment we were thrust into, as we learn and develop and interact with our world us, we actively define that name we were given for ourselves to the people we are surrounded by. We become doctors, lawyers, mothers, fathers, and friends, and that is our identification.  In the office we are a co-worker, in the classroom we are a student, in the bar we are a patron in the bedroom we are a lover. Yet these are all things the world defines us as also, they shift and change as we lose our jobs and boyfriends, or graduate from school.

A Complicated Answer To A Simple Question

wwu2's picture

To begin, I would like to ask you some questions. Organic vegetable and pesticide-mutated vegetables, which one would you choose? However, if you have a budget constraint, then which one would you choose, cheap one or expensive one? Most people may pick what is beneficial to them. However, the reality is that the organic food is more expensive than the transgenic food. So what do you think is more important, the price or your health? Ruth Ozeki’s All Over Creation illustrates different factors woven into human’s attitude towards genetically modified potatoes.

Knowledge Creates a Fertile Soil for Seeds of Understanding

The Unknown's picture

           The seed represents the beginning, survival, resistance, and a culture of farming. In Ruth Ozeki’s novel, All Over Creation, Ozeki redefines the meaning of seeds. Seeds are present in nearly every pivotal moment in the novel and are used to show the characters’ willpower, hard work, skill, and concern for seeds. The seeds are a symbol of the characters’ strength, persistence, loss, and will to survive. Seeds take on different meanings and roles throughout the novel including a demonstration of anger and letting go. Seeds uncover connections that lie below the seemingly unyielding surface.

Bad Seed

Hgraves's picture

Yumi was often seen as the rebel. She was the girl who ran away and left her family and the girl who had an affair and got pregnant by her teacher. She was branded the bad seed. On wikitionary, being a bad seed is a genetic source of bad behavior or other results. Therefore, calling Yumi the "bad seed" would imply that Lloyd also had some bad inside of him but he was just a regular Idaho farmer. Yumi wasn't a bad seed, she was just an organically grown potato in a field full of GMOs.