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Web Paper or Special Event

Identity and Ironic Storytelling in Freedom Writers

kconrad's picture

I first watched the movie Freedom Writers in my seventh grade English class. I was attending a Catholic school with a predominantly white student body; regarding the honors-level English class in which I watched the movie, I remember only Irish and Italian Catholic students. At the time, we watched Freedom Writers through the lens of charitable service, a theme rampant in our dioceses’ curriculum. If there was one thing my school hoped that we would take out of our education, it was that there are people less fortunate than us, and we need to help them.

Film Paper

rachaelkoone's picture

Rachael Koone

Schools in American Cities

Jody Cohen

April 9, 2015


Education As The Great Equalizer: What Does It Mean To Be An Urban Teacher?


What Words Can Hold

AquamarineAura's picture

This particular web event would have been tricky to post in serendip's format without a lot of extra time. I have instead opted to post it in two documents attached to this post to preserve a bit of the formatting that makes it easier on the eyes to read.

It may seem backwards, but the first file is the final translations and thoughts on this projects and the second file will be the process I went through to reach those final works.