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Play Was Then, This is Now

bothsidesnow's picture

While the actions of play remain in the past, the vivid memories of it still linger, kept in the back of our minds for mental escape from the bleak reality of adulthood. Theladyinwhite’s post clearly defined that the fantastical world in her mind during play became a distant memory when she grew up. In Molly Knefel’s article “Kid Stuff,” it is clear that she thinks that Americans believe the difficult adult world is far removed from childhood, which the mainsteam describes as completely pure and innocent.

'Wild' Spaces

Alexandra's picture

Across the nation, among human beings and animals, all species have been known to enact in some form of play throughout their development.

The difference between children and adults

yhama's picture

Theorizing play

-The difference between children and adults -

September 24th, 2015


“Adults are fine at having fun, given the right circumstances, but kids do it automatically. There’s no such thing as “down time” with children.”.

“Children can barely stop playing, whereas adults need to make the effort to schedule it in.” (Knefel, 2015)



Joie Rose's picture

Prelude: I have posted the writing in the serendip format, but I posted the actual document, colored the way it is supposed to be read, as an attatchment. I have synthesia (which means I see words and letters and and numbers in color) so I wrote this piece, which speaks to 'you', from my point of view. So you can see at least in part, how I see writing. (Although I don't see writing in chunks of color, I see individual words and letters in different colors). The purple is Rankine's voice because 'Rankine' is purple, and my voice is in red, because 'Joie' is red. The questions are green because I wanted a color that was unrelated to purple and red and it seemed calming after the tumultuous red and purple.

A surprise

calamityschild's picture

Over the summers, I volunteer my time as a camp counselor at a state park on the seacoast. Since the summer program is hosted at a center for scientific research, it revolves around discovery as much as it does fun. Having been a camper myself, I have plenty of fond memories of my summers in Rye, New Hampshire, but the most magical thing to happen there occurred when I was counseloring in 2013.