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calamityschild's picture

pg. 116

"Dame!" Momoko said. "Shoo! Shoo!" She waved her hands at the large bumblebee and plucked the naked, petal-less males from Lloyd's slow fingers. Holding the first one by the stem like a brush, she swabbed the pollen-covered anthers onto each of the glistening lobes of the female's stigma. Then while Lloyd waved his hands over her head, keeping the bee at bay, she repeated the process with the second. 

"It is better using two boy flowers for one girl," she said. "Sometimes three."


pg. 254

Classes and Contact and Bryn Mawr, Oh My!

Classes and Contact and Bryn Mawr, Oh My!

A Project Proposal

  1. Introduction

     In this proposal, we explain the purpose of the project and give all necessary definitions and history. We will then delineate our timeline and explain our plan of action. Afterwards, we include important questions we must consider for the purpose of our project, and finally, we summarize everything in our conclusion.

The Shocking “Tails” of Captive Animals


After watching Blackfish, we were curious about the extent to which our exploitation of animals for entertainment is affecting the environment and the economy, and how this in turn shaped our identity. By tampering with other species and their natural habitats, we are causing the endangerment of species which can affect entire ecosystems. This brings up the question of the interspecies contact zone, and whether we are justified in tampering with it.