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The Singer is not Innocent

changing18's picture

“A singer may be innocent; never the song.” What does this mean? In my opinion, the song stands for any issue like racism, sexism, classism, etc.  The singers are the activist or not so active participants who contribute to the cause in a large range of ways.  This can mean the people simply putting $5 in the donation box behind the cash register at McDonalds to those protesting in their communities.  Teju Cole writes The White- Savior Industrial Complex stating not only the everyday American’s involvement, but his own, in fighting for a cause to alleviate their own emotional distress with an issue. This distress to a disturbing issue is generally alleviated by giving money to the issue or participate in various ways that fall into the “making a difference” banner.

Understanding Contact Zones (Revision)

Mystical Mermaid's picture

Every single day one enters a contact zone. Whether it is because one lives in a diverse community in terms of race, or in a homogeneous community in terms of race but with different economic classes. The United States of America is a contact zone. I am a product of a contact zone. My children and my children's children will all be products of a contact zone because of my family's choice to mix blood.

The Different Types of Play that Happen in Ruins

jstanton's picture

         Many children have once played in some sort of ruin. This does not always mean they have played in a dump or construction ground or old building; this means they have played and laughed in an environment that was harsh, an environment we typically try to hide them from. When children are given the opportunity to play, they are able to do so in many different conditions that can be safe, unsafe, regulated by a guardian, or unregulated. There are many different types of play as Tim Edensor describes in “Playing in Industrial Ruins”. He divides play into four categories: destructive play, hedonistic play, artistic play, and adventurous play. But play is complicated and can be placed in even more categories or subcategories.

Contact Zones and Understanding Cultures

Lebewesen's picture

Growing up as a military child, I’ve been able to experience a variety of different contact zones. Contact zones in the various countries I’ve lived in, in the countless schools I’ve attended, and even in military bases. One of the most striking contact zones that I’ve had the chance to encounter was the one between the American embassy community in Armenia and the Armenian people. This contact zone taught me an incredible amount; but, most importantly, it taught me that foreigners are able to help individuals of a different country if they are willing to delve deep and understand the culture that they are guests in.

Interspecies Contact Zones

Penguin18's picture

            According to Mary Louise Pratt in her article, “Arts of the Contact Zone,” contact zones are “Social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other…” (Pratt 34).  Almost any situation where two entities come in contact with each other can be seen as a contact zone, whether it has positive or negative outcomes.  These two entities will probably represent different levels of power which could be expressed by two different individuals, cultures, or even different species.  Even though these two sides may have an uncomfortable first encounter, this is the kind of situation where they can learn and grow in the best possible manner, setting aside their differences and living in harmony.

Slipping in Omelas

Rellie's picture

In “Slipping into Something More Comfortable” the concept of “slipping” is introduced as “an act of associative miss-speaking” (Cohen and Dalke 1), meaning it could be a Freudian slip, stereotyping, even micro aggression. It is usually negative but can become positive through regression into playful child-like behavior. However, for the sake of this paper, I will focus on the negative aspects of slipping that are offensive and even harmful in the short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”. Slipping occurs in the actions and inaction of Omelans.

Playing in the Right Playground

KatarinaKF's picture

Playing in the Right Playground 

I have always believed that children's play should be experienced in a clean, child-friendly environment. And I strongly assert that every child should experience play for the benefits for adulthood in these harm-free environments. Unfortunately in the essay "Industrial Ruins", they have another opinion on where children should spend their time playing. The central theme is the abandoned ruins should be used as a playful environment, for adults, teenagers, and children. Due to "the absence of surveillance" (64), it is encouraged that visitors experiment with "playful and expressive performances" (67) with the terrain.  

London Room

Cathyyy's picture

When we decided on choosing different meeting places, London Room just jumped into my head. It's a room my city professor showed to us during class which I fell in love at first sight: I was totoally amazed by its coziness and homely atmoshpere. I enjoy the way we walked down the path and how we bumped into the room with a suddern turn, reminded me of the secret garden. I enjoy the detailed decorations and the vintage furnitures. Further more, I thought most of us hadn't been to here before so I wish to pass the sence of finding serendip to everyone in our class. The reality turns out to be as good as expected.