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bmontaque's picture

Sorry that it took me so long to make a post, I was having some issues with making the post and finally got it to upload!

Question: Which key issues in urban education seems the most pressing so far? Why? How might you rethink thesee issues?

There are many issues that inpact the urban education across the United States. I think something that I have become more aware of as a result of being in this class, is how connected socal issues are to education. But, it would make sense that social  issues manifest themselevs within the classroom being that we are dealing with an institution and a goverrnemt that was not made to protect or even made to  provide certain rights for those who are the most negatively impacted. One that that I feel is something that needs to be fixed across the Unitted States is making sure that the education that each child recieves is standarized. In doing so, I think the education system needs to do a better job of realizing and accepting the fact that there students who learn in differnet ways and approcach learning standards in different technigues. Instead of trying to force students to learn and understand concepts using on specific method, there should be alternative methods that are used in order to help studnets get to the the standards they are expected to be at. In doing so,I think that it can create a better learning enviroment for studnets, help teachers be less stressed and make larning mroe enjyable. It may also even help build the confidence and moral studnets need in order to push themslves to keep learning and staying in school being that school can adjust to meet the studnets where they are. It almost seems as if school and learnig is impersonal and not made to be a system that recogonizes the diverese and complex problems and issues with how it is today. How can we expect the education systen to function and serve its purpose, if it can't even recogonize or make the necesary changes needed in order to help the studnets?