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Field Note #1 Chaos

VSalas's picture

My praxis was in a transitional high school. I went during their designated lunch time which would explain the chaos that was occurring in the halls and classrooms. I finally met S, one of the coordinators, who was “okay”, that is she was friendly but also useless at the same time. When me and other people in the group met with the “principle” no one knew exactly where we were suppose to go. Apparently the main coordinator, BB, wasn’t there that day but rather a substitute teacher. Thus we had to meet with S in her classroom. While I settled in I couldn’t help but overhear S discussing with another teacher about solving an “issue” and knowing the psychological answer but not the “ED answer”. This was an interesting moment for me because it made me feel as if this was a lab experiment for her. Hearing her talk a liberal arts vocabulary and applying it to the classroom was something I wasn’t really use to but I assume that she had good intentions for “solving” the issue.

Through out the rest of the praxis my peers and I made flyers and stuck them around the school to advertise the tutoring hours. It was fun to see the other students but also anxiety inducing since they were eating their lunch on couches in the hall and in classrooms. The students didn’t wear uniforms, which I suppose made it easier for us to blend in, but also brought up the question of how to separate the young new teachers vs the student body. This laid back vibe that the school had made me feel uncomfortable as I was use to certain rules being applied when involving running in the hall and eating in the classrooms. Hopefully next visit will be more eventful.