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Lil' Bub

GraceB's picture


Lil Bub's Big Fund for APSCA

Lil Bub is a famous Internet cat with physical disabilities. She has osteopetrosis, making her bones denser than typical, she has extra toes on each of her paws, and she has an under-delveloped lower jaw, causing her tounge to hang out of her mouth in a really cute fashion.

So this is a disabled animal being unsed to raise money. I read an article about her, and her owner calls her "special," "magical," "an inspirartion," etc. When such glowing language is used to refer to someone with disabilities, is that respectful or "putting on a pedestal" in a bad way? What about when that someone is an animal? What about someone who is mentally disabled and isn't, as Peter Singer would say, a person?