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Reaction to 'A Portrait of the Artist by His Blind Daughter'

Marisa_127's picture

I admire her detailed descriptions of hand-eye coordination, her parent's drawings of her and her father's attitude. However, after reading a few pages, the chapter just seems really drawn out.  She keeps talking about how she sees drawings and why its difficult for her, but it's a bit too redundant.  I also find it interesting how alot of her points focus around her father even though she can relate and connect with her mother alot more (as she told her about her grandmother's condition, and took her to all her eye appointments whereas her father tends to avoid general conversation).  I vision her father to be an uptight, stoic man who feels that its either his way or the highway.  He seems so unforgiving and serious so that it'll be difficult to make a connection with him, but she has clearly related to him on some level, as it he is almost all he talks about.  I enjoyed the section of the article where she switched from talking about crafts and drawing to a discussion about colors.  I also enjoyed how she said constantly that her father would disapprove of her ideas or what she thought; it just further proves how she is still attached to her father regardless of how he is.