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Deaf Jam Reaction

Marisa_127's picture

I personally really enjoyed Deaf Jam.  I enjoyed the entire storyline, how they talked about this girl's experience while inserting important information about the daf community.  I also enjoyed how they went into depth with some of the deaf children's personal stories because it helped me make a connection with them which made me like them and enjoy the movie more.  I was entranced by most of their signs too.  Having taken sign language as a class in high school, I tried to make out what they were saying and was able to catch onto some of it.  I was a bit upset that they lost touch with the other members of the deaf group once they went to college.  I wanted to know what they decided to pursue in life or what they studied in college.  We only got a glimpse of the main characters best friend (the one whose parents had died), but when we saw her, her hair had been cut short which raised even more curiosity about what happened to everybody. Overall, my favorite part of the movie was the ending poetry rap song. The poetry was beautiful, the message was clear and the verbal part synced up very well with the signing part and made it come alive.