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smartinez's picture

Like Rose I too encountered moments where friends required more than just my assistance, but its difficult to be the person one runs to when you're still learning. Its like I'm standing behind this glass wall, even though I can see what you're going through, that connection can't be made because I haven't been on the other side. So I could only offer sympathy on those occasions. Time and time again though, there was always one person that I constantly crossed paths with. Both of our backgrounds were tough on different standards but while I climbed to the top of the mountain, he slowly began to quit. Utilizing trials I had faced in attempt to provide inspiration or some type of drive, he would not listen. Tears and hugs could not reach him and regardless of what I had been through, he just wouldn't listen. For months I've wondered about him. Where is he going to end up? But while attempting to find empathy, I realized previous wounds I thought were healing began to reopen. In the middle of trying to lend a helping hand, I got caught up in his struggle. The past haunted me. All this time I tried to spend running away from it, went to waste. His negativity was contagious and maybe I'm playing the blame game so I'll turn this one back on myself. I chose to let it affect me. I thought that maybe if I put myself in his mindset that I might be of better help, but it was the exact opposite. So now those that I can feel empathy for I do, but safely. Because my emotional health is precious. And I refuse to ever allow someone to drag me down with them. Empathy is the connection that keeps people standing together through the toughest trials but it's also deadly in a way where it keeps past moments alive. It all depends on how someone handles it. 

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