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This is what we depends on

This is what we depends on

weilla yuan's picture

Humans are communal animals for a reason --- we need other people to feel our feelings.

Through out the history, people get together to talk about their lives and others' lives so that people can echoing with them. Empathy can bring people confidence and calmness. 

Back in ancient China, the emperor's wives always got together with tea to talk about the things they had been going through. They shared one husband, so they can feel each other's pain and happiness. The wives needed their words got replied, because these things could warm their hearts up and help them to carry on with lives. The emperor's wives seemed glorious on the out side, but they were lonely inside. They need to know other people had the same issue with them and so they could encourage each other. If they did not have the tea time, they would get depressed and complaining their lives to death. That was what happened to the wives that got left out and been put into the "cold palace", all alone and died in lonelyness. 



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