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Invitation to "Villanelle"

(The relation to science is simply that indoor dining is closed and it will be 15 degrees tonight.)

I think they still are open, even so.
We live in times such as we’ve never seen,
And if they still are open, we should go.

A menu in the window -- do they show?
The hours are short, the pickings must be lean;
I think they still are open, even so.

I have a friend whose birthday’s soon, you know.
She is a lovely blooming fair colleen:
And if they still are open, we should go.

I wish I could invite her – we could go
For champagne, dinner, coffee and tartine;  
I think they still are open, even so.

Some of us wither but my friend, ah, no!
She is as lovely as she’s ever been….
And if they still are open, we should go.

I so wish we could trundle through the snow
And celebrate this wintry Village scene.
I think they still are open, even so,
And if they still are open, we should go.

Villanelle | Farm To Table Restaurant | Union Square - Greenwich Village NYC
by Emily Blake