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Anne Dalke's picture

Reflect on the possibility/usefulness/costs (impossibility? necessity? payoffs?) of empathy....






Humans are communal animals for a reason --- we need other people to feel our feelings.

Through out the history, people get together to talk about their lives and others' lives so that people can echoing with them. Empathy can bring people confidence and calmness. 






Empathy is complex. Anyone can sympathize with another’s problems, not everyone can empathize. Empathy requires having the experience of some negative experience that made you feel in ways you’ve never felt before. Without having been through something terrible, it is hard to empathize with those that have been through a lot worse than you. 

I believe that empathy is necessary, useful, possible and happens all the time. Empathy is the core of many of the relationships and friendships that we develop everyday. We connect with people through the commonality that we have with each other and sometimes through the shared emotions, feelings, thoughts and opinions. Without empathy, there will be a lot more lonlieness...but then again people could empathize with each other over the facr that they both know what it feels like to be lonely. So therefore, empathy is very necessary and possible.