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CCW partnership

kcronin's picture

The CCW partnership enabled us to apply the concepts of disability theory in the classroom. The opportunity allowed us to learn more about a unique population of artists and gave them the opportunity to get to know other members of the community. I think in the future it would be great for students to work with artist on an artistic project over the course of the semester. I think this would give artists and students an additional way of communicating with one another. I really enjoyed the partnership especially the unstructured sessions where we were able to take the lead in working with the artist to establish goals to help design our visits. However, it was helpful in the beginning to have structured sessions until we got to know the artist better. In the future, it would also be great for students to also have opportunities throughout the semester to work with artists other than the primary artist they are partnered with. I think having students interact with artists with different disabilities, personalities, and artistic styles could help enrich the partnership ultimately further integrating the Haverford students into the greater CCW community.