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Thoughts on Deaf Jam

TilMat74's picture

In general, I really enjoyed Deaf Jam. The movie was really different from what I usually watch so I did not know how to feel at the start but when I left the room I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the movie and by the intensity of the emotions that it invoked in me.  I was amazed by the intensity ASL vibrated throughout the movie and by the passion in every person’s eyes while they were performing their poem.  The whole idea about ASL poetry was something I was ignorant about, I think it overall helped me have somewhat of an understanding of deaf culture. One thing that especially stood out to me and I thought was really well done was the existence or absence of sound in many scenes of the movie. I feel that it allowed the viewer to connect with the characters on a higher level and that there was definitely a purpose behind it. However, the movie left me with many questions about the lives of the children after they graduated from their school, for example about the type of careers they followed or about the way they interacted with society and specifically hearing people, issues that were discussed in the movie and that I found to be thought-provoking.