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Reaction to Train Go Sorry and Deaf Jam

Hasibe's picture

After watching Deaf Jam and reading more of Train Go Sorry I feel like I've taken in a lot about deaf culture and experience in general. One thing I found interesting was the scene in Deaf Jam where Aneta and her best friend are arguing and Aneta says she wish she could be part of the rest of the world because it provides so many more opportunities. While her best friend feels that Aneta is viewing it the wrong way. That contraversy was really interesting to me, because Train Go Sorry also presents how within the community there are those who may feel they are missing something while others who can't see that at all. Also interesting is the politics within the deaf community, which I had not known existed beforehand. It's interesting to see Oscar's role, as someone who isn't deaf, but very tied to the deaf community and how at times it seems like he has to walk over eggshells because of his position. On variuos occasions in Train Go Sorry it comes up that he isn't sure for how much longer he'll have the job, or how much longer they'll accept him there.