September 8, 2014 - 14:25

This post made me feel a bit uncomfortable because I use to live in the "nicer" part of South Philadelphia-- closer to center city. But, I would see white men who had dirty shirts, torn pants and a beard. They had dirt on there face as if they had just got out a fight, missing teeth and couldn't seem to walk in a straight line as if he was drunk. He would wait for a red light and then walk in between the parked cars asking for change and selling various items. I would try to look away with intentions to ignore him. Or sometimes, even try to roll up my windows, until one day I noticed that he is just trying to hustle and make a way. It's hard. Everyone is struggling and I didn't relize it until I gave him a dollar and he told me that he was saving to give his daughters clothes. I had to learn not to prejudge- but, to be open-minded.