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CCW Reflection.

NicoleGiannetti's picture

My overall experience with CCW has been great. Katie and I walk to campus every Friday morning to greet the group and begin the day. The actual amount of artwork we have been able to accomplish has been pretty minimal so far due to bad weather. However, since we haven’t been able to roam around the arboretum we’ve begun exploring the plant population inside the KINSC. I’m not the most artistically inclined person, therefore I find most of my enjoyment just walking around and talking to everyone. Clyde, Ron, Tamisha and Faith have been the main people working on the art project, and there are a couple others who come less frequently to campus. Ron has the biggest personality out of the group, always putting on this struggling artist persona. Faith and Tamisha are my two favorites to gossip with and just talk about anything. Clyde is pretty and shy, and a little harder to communicate but always a joy to have around. I’m excited to see how the photography book comes together but also sad our time is coming to an end with CCW.