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Strategies for Change Post

mcsweeney's picture

            With a focus on the school level, I think that a major strategy for change is establishing strong relationships between schools, families and their communities.

-          Holding after school programs, either with a focus on homework, arts and crafts, games, or anything else at schools for students

-          Holding after school programs that are open to families, which bring students’ families into the building and offer valuable services and education

-          Bringing students on field trips into the community to see how local businesses operate

-          Allowing community groups to use school facilities after school hours for meetings, making the school a hub for activity throughout the whole community

-          If the school has art or music programs, holding art shows or concerts open to families to show off the students artistic and musical talents

-          Ensuring that teachers have ways to keep in contact with families, such as email or phone

-          Fostering positive relationships between teachers and families

-          Encouraging local businesses and organizations to support their local schools and motivate students

            Another strategy for change could come in the form of teacher education. Putting an emphasis on teacher education could raise teachers' awareness of issues in urban education and potentially help to solve these issues in schools before the teachers unknowingly contribute to problems.

-          Putting an emphasis on how teachers can best serve low-income communities

-          Teaching education students to value diversity in the classroom and to develop cultural competency

-          Educating teachers to value innovation and creativity in teaching practices and to avoid sticking to a strict script

-          Developing valuable communication skills to deal with multiple audiences, including students, families, administration, and other teachers