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we share a way of communication

we share a way of communication

weilla yuan's picture

The arguments that The Unknown made make sense when the pre-condition is "humans are more advanced". However, this pre-condition does not have anything to do with the communication between animals, which include humans. Look at the nature, the creatures in the world have formed a biological food chain. When creatures are hungry, they come out and hunt. The weaker ones, on the other hand, will got killed and eaten. Humans are not designed strong physically, but intellegently advanced. We hunt just like the other animals, the only difference is that they use their bodies, we use tools. The reason why people think humans massacred animal species is that our more advanced brains allow us to do it and think like this. We do not know if other animals will NOT do the same thing if they can think like us. However, this mental intellegence does not affect us to communicate with other animals.

Yesterday when I sat on a bench waiting for a train, a little sparrow flew over and landed near me. It was so cute that I wanted to touch it, but I did not want to scare it, so I leaned forward and tried to say hello (this is what I normally like to do, trying to make contact with other animals). I do not know if it heard me or something else attracted it, but the little sparrow jumped on to my shoe! Even though it was just a moment, but it felt like it felt my amity when it did this.

What I am trying to say is that we are all animals, and we share a way of communication. We use our sense to communicate with others, too. It is just after millions of years of evolving, our brain lost track of those sense. However, our subconsciousness is still analyzing these data for us. Sometimes you may feel that you can communicate with your pet, but this is not because it has dominated by you. The real reason for that is that dominance makes it a little bit easier for you to communicate with your pet. You can be able to communicate with a wild lion, but it might takestime. Not the time for dominate it, but to earn its trust. There are thousands of examples for people getting along with wild animals, they did not dominate them, but communiate in a way that we all know about.

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