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Some wondering on the CCW project

RaeY's picture

Reading about Judith Scott really reminded me of the CCW folks and the photography project that we are currently doing. The CCW participants do not have much experience with photography besides taking photos with their phones, so Lain and I have to teach them how to use a digital camera. Since this is a cooperative project, I don’t want to have too much of my voice in the photos, but a lot of times, when teaching the participants how to take photos, I will need to show them some angles and tricks and take a couple shots before they have the camera in their hands. And here is the thing that I’ve always been wondering about: are the CCW participants just following what I did, or are they doing some creation of their own? How much should I get involved? How should I incorporate my aesthetic perspectives with theirs and also other way around? Are my tricks and technics helping them or blocking them from pursueing their own voices?