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Reflection 2/19

Ang's picture

This week I finally met S and J. They were preparing for an online webinar presentation that they had to do while we were there and so we served as their practice interviewers. I talked with S for a while in the beginning and we finally caught me up more on what I've missed so far. I told her I'm interested in helping with the poetry collection and so I spent a good half of the time by going through and organize all the submitted poetry for the book. About five minutes before I finished sorting through the poetry, S and J had already started their online presentation, and so we sat there silently trying to let them focus on their presentation as we looked through their website for ideas on how to update it. We decided to make a Google Doc and make a list of things we want to help improve. As we looked through each aspect of their website separately, it soon became clear that the website has not been updated in quite a whlie. Consistently throughout the list, most of our ideas or thoughts were simply related to how the site hasn't been updated. The last post in the current events page was from three years ago, hyperlinks for petitions and other pages have long been expired or no longer of relevance, and none of the pictures appeared to be very recent. While going through everything and trying to think of ways to help improve the organization, I think we came to an agreement that, though we feel weird about being young college students trying to tell these older leaders of the group how to help the organization, we do have an honest desire to help in whatever way we can because we believe the organization deserves to be more well known and more supported by the public.