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Reflection 2/2

Ang's picture

I felt a strong connection with the pieces we read this week. With the Morell reading, the idea of writing as an act of self care really resonated with me. In class today I began reflecting a lot on my life and the development of my love for literature, and I realized that a large part of my love for literature is responsible by the English teachers I had in high school. I wouldn't be intending to declare as an English major in the coming months if it weren't for the teachers I have had, and as I sat in class listening to everyone's stories with in class free-writing or writing as self care, I came to understand that the opportunity and assignment of creative writing projects really influenced my relationship with the language and with literacy. It was also a creative writing course, last semester, that not only inspired me to begin journalling and, therefore, maintaining a practice of uninhibited personal writing, but also provided me free writing for self care opportunities which I had never had in a classroom setting before. 

With the Goodman and Goodman reading, I found myself reflecting a lot as I was reading on my own development of literacy, especially in different languages. It made me really think about and analyze the strategies I subconsciously employ while reading in English, Chinese, and Spanish. I became very conscious of the strategy I had naturally developed in comprehending texts in different languages by not reading the text linearly, but by taking different words across the sentence and developing comprehension through the general idea of the sentence.