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Meet and Greet: Notes towards Week 1 Inside (Feb. 3)

Anne Dalke's picture

Meet and greet with students
* sign in sheet, make name tags
* We are a group of Bryn Mawr/Haverford students (and 2 profs),
doing two linked courses: one in Ed, one in Engl,
focused on questions of literacy.

* indiv'l introductions:
--your name, some strength or positive quality you are bringing into this room
--something you hope to learn

Read and discuss several poems:
read "Phenomenal Woman," sentence by sentence.
Would you like her as a friend? Why, why not?
What do we actually know about her?
What's she look like?
What's her attitude toward the world?
Back it up: where's the poem say these things?

Poem is by an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist,
Maya Angelou, who published seven autobiographies; best known is
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which tells of her life up to the age of 17.
Recited her poem "On the Pulse of Morning"
at President Bill Clinton's inauguration, January 1993.

Modeling what we will be doing this semester:
reading carefully, critically, asking questions about what we read,
giving some context, explanation....
learning to back up what we say, finding reasons...

Description of course:
In this course, participants will read and discuss a play, a novel, two memoirs
including one in graphic form, poetry, essays, and news articles. 
Our unifying theme will be about identities—how identities are shaped
and how they sometimes change in relationship with others.
We will also do some writing, including some short memoirs.
One idea we have is that the group will produce a short collection of our writing.

The course will be held on Fridays from 1 to 3 pm.
We will meet for 12 weeks, from February 3 until April 28,
except on Friday, March 10, when students at Bryn Mawr College will be on spring break.

Participants who attend at least 9 sessions will receive
a Bryn Mawr College Certificate of Course Completion.

Octavia Butler, Kindred
Marjane Satrapi, Persepolis
Janet Mock, Redefining Realness
Sophocles, Antigone
Thomas King, The Truth About Stories

turn now to Giovanni's "Choices"-->
read aloud by stanzas, stop @ the space:
same questions:
think about her attitude,
if you'd like her as a friend, etc.

And then hand out copies of Kindred,
begins with an arm stuck in a wall.
Let's see if we can make sense of the first page!

For next week read the first 1/3 (pp).