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Lingering Questions and Ethical Engagements

jhernan3's picture

There were a few things from last class that I wish we had discussed in more depth. For one, the intersection of ableism and queer identity, and the parallels between language that has been reclaimed in the disabled and queer communities, or perhaps discuss other parallels between those communities. I also don't really understand a lot of the assumed perceptions of disabled people and where they come from. What is the theory behind them, the rationale? Why does society see disabled people as broken, in need of cure, incompetent, etc? I feel that in our discussion, we take that fact for granted and have not dissected why that is the case. 

In regards to this week's reading on ethical engagements, I wonder what systems or policies can be put in place to ensure and maximize autonomy. I think this is a particularly pressing question for cognitively disabled people.