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Class Dynamics

S...'s picture

I think we covered a lot of solid plans and good ideas in class about how we want our classroom to function. Beyond those we already discussed, I have a few more thoughts on our class dynamic. 

At one point someone (I think it may have been Jody?) said that "we all have different understandings of what respect is," and I think this fact is important to keep in mind. All of us are members of the Bryn Mawr community, but each of us has entirely unique expectations and life experiences. I think that entering into our conversations with an attitude of learning, not just about the course meterial, but about each other, could be helpful in nurturing the community of this course.

In that line of thought, I'm going to assume that none of us are entering into this course with the intention of causing pain or perpetuating systems of opression. However, that doesn't prevent us from participating, as we participate in the class dialogue, in the various structures injustice that are woven into our lives. I think it's important to remember that being wrong is a part of growth.